Use of Stereotypes in comics
Today we live on a world of change. We live on an era that denies stereotypes and pushes forward innovation every day. This is no exception with comics. It is clear that the use of stereotypes has progressed throughout the medium. Personally, I find myself reading comics with strong female protagonists all the time. This I think is because growing up I would mainly see male protagonists all the time so its refreshing to see something different. One comic I’ve been reading recently that breaks a lot of stereotypes is Ava‘s Demon. This is a web comic that has a lead female character that is completely insecure about herself. I guess in a way I identify with the character, which is nice because the stereotypical male character is something I can’t really identify with. Overall I think The use of stereotypes has progressed for the better and that soon this will be an industry where stereotypes are nonexistent.