“Understanding Comics” by Scott McCloud

When reading “Understanding Comics” by Scott McCloud I found several connections related to my major. The one the stood out the most was the simplification of the cartoon. How we create Icons so that they are easier to Identify, specifically with humans. Creating a cartoon looking individual not only makes it easier to read, but also makes people identify with what they are seeing. When explaining this, he also mentions that we can create extreme simplifications because the human face is basically trained to see faces everywhere. It is part of our instincts as we always try to relate to unknown things. This really resonated with me because it is exactly the topic that we are currently learning about on the Computer Animation major. We learn to take advantage of this ability that allows us to see things in different patterns and shapes. This helps us spark our creativity and create new thing by using a tool that we all have. The ability to, Like Scott says, “Assign Identities and emotions where none exist”.


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